martes, 24 de abril de 2012

Italy, a special country

The 25 of March we left Catalunya and we went to Italy. Once we were on the Firenze's airport, some people from Vueling company were singing for us, for the people who arrived there. That was because that was the first trip Barcelona-Firenze that Vueling did. They recieved us so good!
We visited Pisa, Firenze, Siena and Roma. The most beautiful of these places, in my opinion, was Firenze. I loved this city, I don't have a special argument, but it was what it surprised me  tk e most.
We had so fun, we laughed a lot.
I don't have a special thing to tell because everything was icredible. We met some people from other places, a lot of Catalan people that was in a trip in Italy.
I think that I'm never going to forget this special trip.

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